Exclusive doesn’t mean you have to!
Exclusive doesn’t mean you have to!
Venues today are choosing who they want to have for wedding coordinators/planners on their property. They even have an exclusive list. Every venue has a preferred list and most now have an exclusive. What’s the difference? A preferred list is a list of people that they have worked with and have decided that they would like to work with them more often and place them on a list for brides who book their venue.
An Exclusive list comes off as a “must do” list. No venue can tell you who to use and not to use- especially when it comes to month of coordination/planning. The venue may even tell you that “this is included in your package.” You CAN have it taken out. What if you don’t get along with the person you are “assigned to?” Your personalities need to match. Or what if you want to be able to talk/email this exclusive coordinator… and you are not able to get ahold of them because they are simply assigned to your wedding- on the day of.
Most of the coordinators “included” in your venue’s contract are people who have a regular job (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm) and do this on the weekends- as a hobby. Don’t you want someone who is all about you and your event?
You deserve the best and have waited long enough to have the best and the most attentive. We have a full staff of six members to meet and exceed your expectations as well as your personality!